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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Getting a Smartphone is a Smart Move

by: Graham Miller

If you haven't yet purchased your first smartphone, then you may not know what you're missing out on. Smartphones have exploded in popularity just in the past two or three years, largely due to the success of the Apple iPhone and the Google Android mobiles. Although you may not think that a smartphone is a necessity, it is a pretty smart move to trade in your old mobile and get a new smartphone. Let's take a look at some of the advantages of upgrading to a smartphone.

One benefit to upgrading to a smartphone is that you will be able to check your email anytime, anywhere. This can be tremendously beneficial if you like to keep in touch with your friends and family on a regular basis through email. It is also important if you use email for your business. Normally, you would have to wait until you got home to find out if anyone had contacted you, but now you will be able to check your email in your automobile, in the park, and even while you are walking down the street.

Although checking your email is great, perhaps the greatest benefit to purchasing a smartphone is that you will have access to the full Internet. You might have tried to access the Internet on an older mobile phone and been completely unimpressed by how it was rendered. Older mobile phones used a watered-down form of the Internet called WAP. Now, you can access the Internet on your smartphone, and it looks just as it would if you were to access it on your computer at home. If a question pops into your mind that you don't know the answer to, then you no longer have to simply shrug your shoulders if you have a smartphone. You can start looking up answers on a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

If you like to play games, then you'll probably never be able to put your new smartphone down. There are thousands of games to choose from in nearly every category that you can imagine. If you enjoy playing Solitaire on your computer, then why not get a smartphone so that you can begin playing on the go?

There is no doubt that it is a smart move to purchase a smartphone. Even better, you can often get it for a reduced price if you sell your old mobile for some cash.

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