The seventh season of "Deadliest Catch" went over the rail tonight with two new crab boats joining the fleet of regulars.
This will be a make or break year for Discovery's hit show, which enters its first season without featuring Cornelia Marie Captain Phil Harris, who died last year.
Even though he died 14 months ago, it was Harris whose gravelly voice led off this season's premiere -- a two-hour show that had its moments but overall was slow in developing.
"Life certainly has its dark times and its tragedies and its black moments," Harris says in the intro, "but it also has its good times, you know?"
The show opened with Harris' sons Josh and Jake, their family and the crews of the other crab boats anchored to commit Phil's ashes to the Bering Sea.
Josh and Jake own the boat now and they've hired Phil's friend, Derrick Ray, as skipper for the king crab season.
It figures to be another tumultuous season for the Harris boys. Ray and the boat's engineer, Steve Ward, nearly came to blows even before the CM left port when the captain confronted Ward after he returned with Josh after a two-hour supply run. It seems like these two guys have a history.
"He'll probably never respect me," says Ray, who all but dared Ward to throw a punch.
"I'm used to working with professionals -- guys that want to do their jobs," the skipper said.
"He'll probably never respect me," says Ray, who all but dared Ward to throw a punch.
"I'm used to working with professionals -- guys that want to do their jobs," the skipper said.
Jake Harris stayed a stint in rehab and got the OK to go crabbing only after a urine test administered on the boat with cameras rolling showed all clear.
Also back this year are Sig Hansen and the Northwestern, the fishing Hillstrands and their Time Bandit and Captain Keith Colburn and the Wizard. The show's website also lists the Kodiak and Captain "Wild" Bill Wichrowski in the fold, but neither he nor his crew turned up tonight.
Two new boats have joined the show: the Ramblin' Rose, skippered by 28-year-old Elliott Neese; and the Seabrooke, captained by another relative youngster, 36-year-old Scott "Jr." Campbell.
Both seem capable of producing some interesting storylines.
Neese already in the season premiere sends a crewman packing for leaving a mess in the galley after a night of drinking while stuck in port. He's showing a maturity beyond his years.
"My decisions and what I do affect the lives and families of my crewmen," he says.
Campbell pilots a 109-foot-long vessel and carries a burden. Two years ago, he lost a deckhand who got caught in a line while setting a pot and went overboard. His body was never recovered.
Campbell watched in horror from the wheelhouse as it happened in the blink of an eye.
"By the time I grabbed the mike, it was already over," Campbell said, "and I blame myself because I'm the captain."
He then delivered the quote of the night: "It was a pure accident, but the thing we have to remember is this is the most dangerous job in the world."
The show was 75 minutes old before the first crab pot was hoisted aboard, and the best story happened 800 miles from the fishing grounds.
The Coast Guard had to rescue an injured crewman from a massive container ship called the Ever Unique. The crewman suffered a broken neck and crushed leg due to a falling engine block.
The show may have dragged on, but, like a string of pots, the storylines have been set now and the fishing should be in full swing next week. Not that the fishing ever had much to do with the runaway success of "Deadliest Catch."
Some have called it a male soap opera, driven by the salty characters like Harris, Hansen, and Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand leading the ensemble.
Newcomer Derrick Ray set the tone.
"This season's going to full of challenges," he said.
See a review from last season: Phil Harris' last 'Deadliest Catch' episode leaves viewers wanting more
Related topics: deadliest catch
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